maaf lah kalau kali ni ramai yang terasa hati...tapi ini sekadar luahan...
aku tidak menunding jari kepada mana-mana insan okay..
aku nak tanya satu bendaa..apa kepuasan korang kalau meniru? maksud aku..masa test lar..
markah tinggi yang korang dapat agak-agak membanggakan tak?
apa perasan korang kalau nampak orang meniru depan-depan korang sedangkan korang nak pecah otak jawab soalan dan bila result keluar. TUPP!!! result korang sangattlaahhhh terukk...orang yang meniru dapat hampir full marks...
Sorry for the bad English...but let me express my thoughts in English....
the reality of the cheaters' world??? does not matter how do they get it done... The key thing is to get it done...This leads them to the rather philosophical dimension of the equation...aha!! the words!! They cheat because success in exams, not knowledge, happens to be their target....I would prefer even to fail with honor than to win by cheating...
yeahhh! GOOD JOb dear! I know that all good is hard.... All evil is easy....
"Dying, losing, cheating, and mediocrity ARE easy....."
When you cheat, you only cheat yourself...Stay away from easy would be the best actually~...
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